Guess What This Is --
Win $25.00 Right Now!
The first person to accurately guess what this plant is will win a $25.00 store gift certificate. This certificate will be good at both our Peoria and Normal, IL stores.
It's a plant that grows perenially in our square herb garden, as we call it. (We have so many gardens, we give them simple, caveman names.) It starts as a fern, then those yellow blossoms appear in late summer/early autumn. The ferns, especially now, have a strong, semi-sweet, pungent woodsy fragrance, similar to mothballs in intensity. It's not a bad smell, but it's not floral or delicate.
If you think you know what it is, post a comment, or send an email to Steven Streight at:
vaspers [at] inbox [dot] com
Good luck!
But wait!
There's more!
Act now, with your mobile device or camera phone, and win an extra $25.00!
Special Mobile-Only BONUS Photo
Scan the QR code below for an additional photo contest just for mobile web surfers.
Same rules apply. Scan the image, see the photo, then post a comment here, or email me, telling me what you think it is. First person to be correct wins a $25.00 store gift certificate.
Get on it now. And again...may fortune shine upon you.
Scan to see BONUS
**mobile only**
$25.00 contest
QUALIFICATION: To win these prizes, you must live in the Peoria, Bloomington/Normal, Central Illinois area, because the gift certificates are good only in our Peoria and Normal stores.

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